Why Everyone is Having Phone Sex Nowadays
It’s 2022 and the collective’s attitude towards sex is much more liberal than ever. It feels incredible and is very good for you. After the pandemic which erupted in 2020 and is ongoing, social distancing has taken priority. With that being said, phone sex is much more fun and a safe alternative to in-person sex.
Adult Chat is Cleaner Yet Nastier Than In-Person Sex
Adult chat is cleaner in some ways and nastier in others compared to in-person sex. As a matter of fact, most people feel much more comfortable disclosing their nastiest fantasies with phone sex operators as opposed to a date. You don’t have to worry about STDs, Covid, someone else’s hygiene, or even having to clean up a bed of soaked sheets.
Your Secrets are Safe
Nowadays, anyone can just record you without your consent, even if it’s just a phone call and they can use it to blackmail you. Even if it’s just a screenshot of a message, or a recording of you saying something very nasty. When you’re having phone sex, you can rest assured that what you say is confidential. This puts many people at ease.
Costs Less Than Your Average Escort
No judgment, but some of these girls are expensive. When you have phone sex, you are saving yourself money, grief, and trouble with the law. The rates usually range from about $20-$30 per hour. Mind you, no subject is taboo as long as no one is being harmed. Spill your guts, and fantasize about filling hers.
So Many Different Flavors
There are so many different personas you could encounter which is exciting. If you are not feeling her, all you have to do is get a different caller. You can’t do that in person. Well, you can, but do you want to deal with that discomfort or the drama that may ensue when you just don’t like the girl. Yes, men have standards too. *Eye Roll*
If you’re ready to pop, this is a fast way to do it. Have your toys ready, and instead of wasting money on transportation or even time waiting on another partner, just pick up your phone and call. You are the master, and you decide how long you want to hear her whimper on the phone. After your balls are covered in sticky foam, then you can end the call until you’re ready for more. Which might be soon, because phone sex can be addictive.